Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Take Responsibility by Damon Lawrenson and Simon Phillips

“If you overheard a conversation about you, would you like what you hear? Are you waiting for things to happen, watching what’s happening or making thing happen?”

Who's responsibility is it anyway?

At various times in our life, we look back and reflect on our journey. Positive feelings are aroused when we recall making significant progress and not so positive feelings when little progress is evident. Right then, we can decide to either become bitter or to become better!! It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results – if we are wise, we review what has happened and search for ways of improving our results through changing our actions.

We live in a society where “entitlement” and “litigation” are twin dictators ruling a “nanny-state”, brain-washing us into believing that someone else will always provide for us, protect us and nurture our family. However, buying into that way of thinking will virtually guarantee you a life of mediocrity. You will get through it, one way or another, but at times it may seem like an endurance test, a struggle to survive. Journalists and marketing agencies are always keen to identify the Mr & Mrs Average and the majority of the population live an ok life with an ok wage with ok experiences – but who wants to be ok?

The only thing you can fully control in life is how you decide to respond to your circumstances, your environment and the people around you. You can determine your thinking and, ultimately, your income and lifestyle. You are responsible for this, no one else. As they say, the best helping hand is the one at the end of your wrist.

Your new mantra “If it’s to be, its up to me!”

No excuses - Who are you trying to convince?

We are all blessed with 24 hours in a day, certain skills and a resource knowledge centre that is free and priceless – the World Wide Web. You can learn new skills, develop new habits, replace old programmes and develop a new you, capable of achieving your dreams. It’s time to stop making excuses, you are not too old, too young, too tall, too short, too black too white, too educated, too uneducated. You are you; and the minute you stop making excuses of why you can’t and turn these into why you can, you have entered a new world of possibility.

Excuses are a way of making you feel better about your lack of action. Don’t rationalise, when all is said and done, these are rational lies. Why not just be honest? When you make excuses for not doing something that is important, there will be regret. The price of regret can be weighty when all it needed was some discipline to do it. Okay, there is the price of self-discipline, but it is far less than regret. How would you feel if you lived a life of no regrets?

Your new mantra “No excuses. No regrets”

Are we pointing any fingers?

The minute we say; “It’s their fault” we have empowered someone else to determine our level of success. Granted, there may be influencing factors, however with self-discipline, and by being prepared and proactive, we can reduce and eliminate most issues that have influenced lack of progress or failure previously. When we point a finger, 3 are always pointing back at us - for a very good reason. It means that the onus is on us for not moving on – think, what could I have done to have avoided, alleviated or even caused this problem? Look in the mirror – take responsibility. Even if we cannot see beyond the possibility that it is someone else’s fault, we can still choose to keep moving forward. It’s your right to influence how you feel, no one else’s.

Your new mantra “ I take total responsibility for my actions”

Knowing you can trust yourself

We all know people who commit and never follow through? Some people cannot say no, even though they have little intention of following through. They are constantly letting other people down and, more importantly, they are letting themselves down as well. Eventually, their reputation precedes them and the trust dries up. How do you feel when you say you are going to do something and you do it? Taking action builds character. It’s self-discipline; it’s doing what you know you need to do when you don’t feel like it. You are constantly building your reputation.

“Learn to say No and, when you do say Yes –follow through!”

Just Do It

Following through will become a habit and you will enjoy committing to action. Your attitude, actions and intention will foster a character that will be admired and respected. You will set goals as a blueprint of your life, as possibilities become inevitabilities. You will take the steps necessary to make progress in life in each and every way. With every action your fears will be crushed as you build a reputation as someone who follows through, who just gets on and does it?

Become a doer!!

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